Education and careers

Students of agriculture university_48096

Education grants for post-16 study

Are you a student normally resident in West Sussex who is studying agriculture, horticulture or a land-based course at college or university? You may be eligible for a grant from the Education Trust Fund of the West Sussex County Branch of the NFU. The Fund's Management Committee is also willing to consider applications for grants from West Sussex groups promoting agriculture and horticulture to young people.

Read students' testimonials here - beneficiaries include students of agriculture, countryside management and farriery.

How To Apply

Click here to download and print an application form.

Send your completed form to:-
The Secretary,
The Education Trust Fund of the West Sussex County Branch of the NFU,
72 Peppering High Barn,
West Sussex, BN18 9RN.

T: 01903 885672 e: cm9sYW5kZ3JhbnQxMjNAYnRpbnRlcm5ldC5jb20=

Learning about agriculture - education for all ages

Education - primary education pack launch_13837The NFU has its own education team based in its Warwickshire headquarters - read more here. The team is focusing on the development of Curriculum-linked resources, particularly STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) resources for primary schools. The NFU runs an annual STEM contest called Farmvention - 

The NFU has historically been a supporter of FACE (Farming and Countryside Education), a registered charity which is independent of any political party or movement, supported by 80 partner organisations. Its aim is to educate children and young people about food and farming in a sustainable countryside. The contact for the South East region is Jo Hatton, who is based at Sparsholt College, near Winchester, in Hampshire. To contact Jo, follow this link or emailSm9AZmFjZS1vbmxpbmUub3JnLnVr?subject=Education" style="background-color: transparent; box-sizing: border-box; color: rgb(7, 130, 193); font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 14px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; letter-spacing: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: left; text-decoration: none; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px; white-space: normal; word-spacing: 0px;">Sm9AZmFjZS1vbmxpbmUub3JnLnVr 

Teachers helping pupils to learn about farming, food and the natural environment can download free resources from the Countryside Classroom website. This site is managed by FACE and supported by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board and the Prince's Countryside Fund, with partners including the NFU.

Together with FACE, NFU South East produced a primary/junior education pack called 'Why Farming Matters to the South Downs'. Teachers and farmers who are hosting school visits can download this pack by following this link on the Countryside Classroom website.

The future for agriculture

Demand for food is expected to grow substantially by 2050, in line with a rising world population. This will put greater pressure on land, water and other natural resources. Farmers and growers are already adopting more efficient and sustainable production methods. But there are many challenges ahead, particularly climate change.

Research & development

Research and development are vital if farmers are to increase productivity in a sustainable manner. Scientific advances have already led to increases in production and private sector investment in research and development has an important part to play. The NFU believes public sector investment must support applied research to help farmers meet the challenges ahead and adapt to the demands of a changing climate.

An effective knowledge transfer infrastructure will help farmers to benefit from government funded research. The NFU is now actively involved in the Government's Agri Tech strategy for UK agriculture. It's also helping to shape a long-awaited government growth plan for farming and food that will help all sectors of agriculture prosper in the future. Any plans will need to state both short term and long term objectives, with measurable targets, to ensure that particular actions are taken within a given timeframe.

New blood

Jamie Sanders top fruit worker_26947Rising demand for food will mean that UK agriculture will need to expand to meet this challenge.

UK agriculture needs an estimated 60,000 new entrants to the industry over the coming decade, just to maintain its current workforce. You can find out more about careers in agriculture, horticulture and the food supply industry on the NFU's website and by using the sources listed below.

- Bright Crop inspires young talent to explore the wide choice of careers in farming and food supply -

- British Poultry Council has an education and careers area on its website, highlighting roles ranging from farm manager to food technologist, factory manager or marketing specialist. There are also lesson plans for teachers and a host of video content. See

- The Chartered Institute of Horticulture represents people who are professionally engaged in the industry in the UK and Ireland. This includes people working in amenity horticulture, parks, landscaping, botanic/heritage gardens, and the full range of horticulture within leisure industries. In addition, people who are producing, managing, growing and marketing all edible and decorative horticultural crops, and those involved in allied research, education and consultancy are also represented. So too are those working in associated supply industries and students of horticulture.

- The Grow Initiative provides information on careers in horticulture -

- LANTRA is the UK’s Sector Skills Council for land based and environmental industries. It backs land-based and environmental businesses, providing access to the necessary training, qualifications, skills and knowledge. LANTRA also signposts people to information on environmental and land based careers and job opportunities –

The landscape sector has a number of bodies that represent accredited professionals involved in designing and creating natural features within public parks, business parks and large gardens. These include: