NVZ notices sent to agents being reissued

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Farmers who wish to appeal designations can do so within 28 days of the date on their notice. The NFU is aware of an issue where Defra had issued notices to agents' addresses rather than directly to farmers. The NFU requested that these notices were reissued and sent directly to farmers’ business addresses.

We now understand that notices that have been sent to the wrong address are being reissued. The new notice replaces any earlier one and farmers will have 28 days from the date on the new notice to submit an appeal. You will need the notice if you wish to appeal an NVZ.

The original notices are being sent to farmers in three batches, based on location, on the following dates (more information):

  • 3 Jan - North West, Solway Tweed, Dee, Severn
  • 23 Jan - Anglian, Thames, South East, South West
  • 20 Feb - Northumbria, Humber

If you are uncertain whether your land falls within an NVZ and you should have received a notice or have difficulty viewing the maps online then you can contact the Environment Agency. Telephone 03708 506 506 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm) or email ZW5xdWlyaWVzQGVudmlyb25tZW50LWFnZW5jeS5nb3YudWs=