Farming Recovery Fund - claims submission reminder

Hay bales in flooded field on Somerset Levels_23006

You should submit as soon as repair work is completed, and the absolute cut-off is 31 December 2016. We strongly advise those affected not to wait until then to reduce the risk of a flurry of claims leading to potential delays in processing by the RPA.

The NFU was instrumental in establishing the fund following the winter 2015 floods. In total around 1,100 applications were made totaling £9million. The fund covers activities such as drain and boundary repairs and reseeding.

For further information on submitting your claims form, including the information and evidence you are required to submit, check the NFU’s briefing on what to do when you receive your grant funding agreement. 

There are a limited number of circumstances where works can be completed and claims submitted after 31 December 2016. These mostly relate to undertaking works in a designated salmonid river; however the RPA will have already contacted you if this applies.

If you have any concerns about the deadline it is essential that you contact the RPA as soon as possible, on 03000 200 301. Ensure you receive any agreements of extensions, or any other changes to your grant funding agreement, in writing.