New Natural Flood Management Options within Countryside Stewardship

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The NFU has met with the Forestry Commission and Natural England to discuss three new options being considered: In-stream woody debris dams, in-field water storage bunds and riparian flood water storage.

These options have not yet been fully confirmed and the NFU will continue to work with both organisations to understand the specifics of the new options and share information with members.

Natural England has created an infographic of the options already available within Countryside Stewardship which may contribute towards improved flood resilience within a catchment.

For most options, collective action between multiple agreement holders in the catchment will be needed. Through Countryside Stewardship a group could apply to the facilitation fund for support in developing their approach.

It is advised to consider whether you want to get involved with these options as soon as possible. Applicants are eligible to apply for technical support and advice on undertaking the new NFM options within the PA1: Implementation Plan or PA2: Feasibility Study. This technical advice may be required for some of the NFM options.

At the time of writing the NFU is still waiting for a Ministerial announcement on future Countryside Stewardship application rounds.