Get 50% off REA membership


Save more than 50% on your REA membership.

A trusted voice for the industry, the REA represents the full range of technologies, across power, heat, transport and renewable gas.

The Solar Trade Association is affiliated to the Renewable Energy Association, creating a combined membership of more than 950 companies.

Why is the deal so great?

NFU members get more than 50% off the price of corresponding membership (sole traders/farming members). This would normally cost £428, which means a saving of over £200.

Applicable only prior to the commissioning of a renewable installation.

Members can also elect to receive specific resource group information for an additional £50.00 per group joined. i.e. Biogas Group.

How to get the discount:

Call NFU CallFirst on 0370 845 8458.

Alternatively, visit and fill in the application form. Please select the NFU corresponding member category.