Your Horticulture and Potatoes board needs you!

Fruit Focus 2014_275_206

There has never been a better opportunity to influence the future of the Horticulture and Potatoes sector!

And now is your chance to get involved!

The NFU Horticulture and Potatoes Board consists of 10 nominated members, with a rolling process of annual appointments which enables continuity of membership while allowing the opportunity for new, enthusiastic and passionate members to join.

In 2015 there are four positions to fill on the board and the appointment process is now open for interested members. Our aim is to get a good balance of crop sectors represented on the board, and we would particularly encourage applications from growers who produce protected edible crops and protected ornamental crops. Interested?

For more information on the nomination and appointment process, please read our briefing document and the election form. The deadline for nominations is midday on Friday 27 February 2015.

If you have any questions, please contact NFU acting chief horticulture and potatoes adviser, Chris Hartfield: Y2hyaXMuaGFydGZpZWxkQG5mdS5vcmcudWs=

For more information on the work of the NFU Horticulture and Potatoes board, please read through the sector pages on NFU Online where you will see reports on labour issues, pesticides, retailer relationships, ornamentals sector issues, and much more...