AHDB Beef & Lamb, Challenge Sheep

Lucinda Douglas families lambs_22430

Challenge Sheep is a new AHDB Beef & Lamb-funded project which aims to understand the consequences of the rearing phase on the lifetime performance of ewes.

Covering both sheep bred as ewe lambs and shearlings, the project will track 5,000 replacements from a range of English sheep farms over seven years to understand how flock performance can be improved.

The project aims to generate new knowledge and highlight existing information on managing ewe replacements.


The project is looking for producers who are keen to use the data they are collecting via EID to make improved decisions on ewe management.

The project farms will have access to cutting-edge information and ways of interrogating data to make the most of it, and will be involved in communicating the findings to other producers.

The aim is to recruit a mix of farming systems that reflect the range of ways of producing sheep in England.


Producers who take part in Challenge Sheep will be required to collect data via EID – weights, body condition score, lambing data and lamb performance. They will also be involved in several events over the years where findings will be communicated to other producers.

A nominal payment will be made to Challenge Sheep producers for supplying quality data into the project and they will receive regular feedback and help with monitoring changes to their businesses.

To get involved in Challenge Sheep, complete the application form  by 20 February 2017.  A shortlist will be generated based on systems, location and responses.  Those on the shortlist will be interviewed on their farms in late spring.

For more information, email AHDB Beef & Lamb Senior Scientist Liz Genever or ring Liz on 07790 378349.  Alternatively, contact your regional knowledge exchange manager via Angie Miley or 01904 771 214.