AI: NFU lobbies Commission for free range poultry members

Free range hens_11847

In presenting our case, we have argued that free range poultry farmers have no choice but to house their birds – they do it to comply with veterinary advice to protect their birds from the risk of contracting AI.

As a consequence they should not suffer a loss of free range status.

Our number one lobbying priority therefore is an extension to the 12 week derogation – this is by far the most straightforward and fairest way of dealing with the situation. If the Commission finds this unacceptable for any reason then the alternative, to ensure that we retain our free range status, would be a veranda constructed on the side of the existing layer shed to give the birds access outside of the layer shed but at the same time preventing contact with wild birds.  

Over the coming weeks we need to build an alliance with other interested parties at a European level. We urge our members to contact their MP and MEP to encourage their support of this position. We will update NFU online over the coming weeks as discussions progress.  

Read a letter to NFU members written by Charles Bourns, Copa Cogeca chairman.