Bangor University research project on the impact of policy change on farming practice

On 06 December 2017, David Davis, the UK’s Brexit secretary, confirmed that the government had not, as yet, carried out “impact assessments” on how Brexit will affect the UK economy. Bangor University aims to help inform policy-makers by conducting a 3 year research project on the impact of post-Brexit policy change on farming practices.

Farmers are key to the success of this project and your help is needed to identify farmer opinions and attitudes towards Brexit, agri-environment schemes and the delivery of ‘public goods’ by:

  • Completing the survey found at the attached link.
  • Volunteering for ‘face to face’ or phone interviews to be conducted during 2018.

Volunteers can register their interest at the end of the survey.

Further details on the project can be obtained from David Arnott, PhD Candidate, Bangor University, ZC5hcm5vdHRAYmFuZ29yLmFjLnVr.