NFU North West Dairy Board vacancies

Dairy cows on Michael Oakes farm_39299

The board meets up around four times per year to discuss relevant issues and provides a steer for national NFU policy with respect to the dairy sector. It also has regular conference calls.   

The NFU’s work in the dairy sector is driven by the board and it was instrumental in the #proudofdairy campaign as well as the introduction of the Voluntary Code of Practice in the dairy sector. It also organises open meetings on the hot topics of the day such as what needs to be done to arrest the spread of bovine TB, Brexit and what we can do to drive up the consumption of British dairy products.  Board members are also actively involved in the lobbying of MPs and local dairies. 

However, the most important role of the boards is to feed in views so that NFU policy accurately reflects the views of dairy farmers in the region. Dairy farmers face a number of challenges, not least Brexit, and it is important that the North West has a strong voice, both regionally and nationally, to make sure that NFU policy reflects the needs of our farmers.

So, if you have opinions or ideas as to how to improve the lot of the region’s dairy farmers, now is your chance to make a difference.  We are looking for farmers to serve on the commodity board from across the region.  There are currently the following vacancies available:

Dairy Board

1 delegate for Cumbria

1 delegate for Lancashire

1 delegate for Cheshire

If you would like to have an informal discussion about any of these roles, or are interested in standing, then please contact Adam Briggs on 01695 554 900 by Friday 3 November 2017.