Pesticide amnesty for downland farmers in Sussex

South Downs landscape, West Sussex_12060

In order to help farmers and growers manage stocks of banned or unwanted pesticides, Southern Water is offering to pay a contractor to safely collect and dispose of the products.  This is a free service (up to 75 litres) and the collections are carried out on a confidential basis, i.e. neither Southern Water nor any third party will be told which chemicals were collected from which holding.  The scheme is aimed at reducing the risk of pesticides reaching drinking water sources.  Please check the map to see if your farm is eligible -

The deadline to get in touch with the collector is 30 November and collections will take place during December. Contact Chem Clear's Dave Brown t: 07436 077304 e:Y2hlbWNsZWFybHRkYW1uZXN0eUBnbWFpbC5jb20=