HS2 Newsletter

Hybrid Bill – the NFU continues to prepare for petitioning the Bill which is likely to be in March 2014. We submitted an initial draft of the arguments we are likely to be pursuing and have had some early feedback from HS2. One such example is where we had suggested that the Hybrid Bill should confer planning permission where farmhouses or farm buildings were having to be demolished and would need to be replaced elsewhere on the holding. At this stage things don’t look very positive but we are continuing to lobby on this point. For the time being HS2 says it is looking at priority cases and is already talking to relevant local authorities to pave the way for this type of development. It has indicated that the planning application fees would be covered in any compensation agreement.

We understand that HS2 has approached what it regards as priority cases to see if it can get early agreement on compensation packages (subject to the Paving Bill going through). HS2 is doing this to try and limit the number of petitions.

Paving Bill – it is anticipated that the Bill will get Royal Assent at the end of November/beginning of December 2013. NO rights of access are granted by the Paving Bill.

Landowner engagement – one to ones - since we put out our latest alert, we are aware of just one Phase 1 landowner who has taken up HS2’s offer to meet. If you are in any doubt about this please don’t hesitate to talk to your NFU contact listed on this newsletter.

Draft Environmental Statement (ES) – HS2 has had over 20,000 responses to the consultation on the draft ES. It is splitting the responses up into ‘major’ and other. There are approximately 250 ‘majors’ from the likes of organisations (including NFU), local authorities and MPs. HS2 are sifting responses to see if there are common themes emerging and is likely to have the final ES drawn up by the end of October 13 and released for consultation in November 13.

Cycleway alongside HS2 – this proposal emanates from the Department for Transport (DfT) and not HS2 Ltd. The DfT has engaged consultants to undertake a feasibility study. More details can be found on page 8 of the Government press release here www.gov.uk/government/news/government-shifts-cycling-up-a-gear

Ecology Plan – there is a group within HS2 working on an ecology plan for mitigation works mainly involving replacement woodlands – at this stage it is primarily working with Natural England (NE).

These new woodlands and areas of general tree planting were shown on the maps included in the draft environmental statement. These plantings could involve land some distance from the railway corridor. We are seeking input to this plan. It is really important that you have looked at the maps for your farm that were included with the draft environmental statement.

Safeguarding – so far HS2 has received 49 Blight Notices mainly from ‘Country North’. Agents’ fees can be payable in these circumstances but agents need to submit a quote for the issue of a blight notice and await confirmation that their quote will be accepted.

Compensation consultation re-run – HS2 is re-issuing its compensation consultation and will be holding additional events by way of consultation. There will be a 3 month consultation period.

ELS/HLS – we are trying to get to the bottom of a disagreement between HS2 and Natural England whereby NE is saying that if a farmer knows the railway is coming through a particular piece of land he should not put that land into an agri-environmental application.

HS2 believes that all land subject to the ELS/HLS application should be accepted by NE until the HS2 –Phase1 has received Royal Ascent.

Phase 2 – Birmingham to Manchester and Leeds

HS2 – Phase 2- Consultation on the Route - HS2 has highlighted that this document will help people affected by the route for Phase Two by giving them information to understand the proposals for the routes and to enable you to respond to the consultation. HS2 has said ‘This consultation is your chance to have your say on the route, stations and depots being proposed.’ It has been made clear that the Secretary of State for Transport will review all views before making a final decision on the route.

HS2 is going to hold events along the route to help provide you with the necessary information and understand the effects of the route on your local area. The events are listed at the following  www.hs2.org.uk/phase-two/route- consultation and will start from October 2013 and run to January 2014.

The NFU will be holding member meetings along the route of Phase 2 to help explain the consultation document and key dates of the scheme. These will be announced shortly.

Information – if you find this information helpful why not ask if your neighbour is getting it.

Key NFU regional contacts

East Midlands
Paul Tame, 01572 824255, cGF1bC50YW1lQG5mdS5vcmcudWs=
West Midlands
Sarah Faulkner, 01952, 409247, c2FyYWguZmF1bGtuZXJAbmZ1Lm9yZy51aw==
South East
John Archer, 01730 711953, am9obi5hcmNoZXJAbmZ1Lm9yZy51aw==
North East
James Copeland, 01904 451569, amFtZXMuY29wZWxhbmRAbmZ1Lm9yZy51aw==
North West
Aarun Naik, 01695 554929, YWFydW4ubmFpa0BuZnUub3JnLnVr