Energy and Climate Select Committee to be merged

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This follows the recent merger of the Department of Energy and Climate Change into the new Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. The Business Innovation and Skills Committee will become the new Business Energy and Industrial Strategy Committee, retaining its current chair, Labour MP Iain Wright, who has already announced his determination on Twitter that energy and climate change will be “front and centre of committee work”.

At the beginning of September, the Energy and Climate Change Committee warned the Government about Britain's possible failure to achieve its 2020 renewable energy targets (15% overall, with 30% as electricity, 12% as heat and 10% in transport). 

It recommended support for biomass heat and biomethane under the reformed Renewable Heat Incentive, the introduction of ‘E10’ bioethanol blend fuel as soon as possible, and raising the level of the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation to 9% by 2020. 

It also urged the Government to review its published Bioenergy Strategy in 2017.

The NFU provided both written and oral evidence to the committee’s inquiry earlier this year.