Take part in our pilot project on nitrogen use efficiency in wheat

A picture of a field of wheat

Why is the NFU running this project?

The NFU is a key stakeholder in the Agricultural Productivity Task Force (APTF), which is co-chaired by NFU Vice President Tom Bradshaw. The APTF represents a unique partnership between industry and Defra to progress the issue of productivity. As such, the NFU is undertaking this project to examine how the arable industry might improve farmer-centric data on nitrogen use efficiency in wheat.

While yield has traditionally been a proxy for productivity for the arable sector, such farmer-centric data can be used to create key performance indicators (KPIs) which opens a whole world of opportunity for the industry, sectors, and businesses to measure progress, compare and set targets such as reaching net zero.

Why is this survey important?

Without such data, an industry does not progress as there is no baseline and no method of measuring progress. With BPS gradually being phased out, volatile prices, costs, weather, and public scrutiny surrounding greenhouse gases, productivity growth is one of the key avenues the arable industry must embrace to support competitiveness and resilience.

Nitrogen use efficiency has been selected for this pilot given both the commercial relevance, due to the significant cost of fertiliser, and the environmental perspective – manufactured nitrogen is a key source of the sector’s carbon footprint. Efficient use of fertiliser leads to reduced reliance on manufactured product, further aiding the drive for net zero

Who should take part?

All members who grow winter wheat are encouraged to take part to help the NFU collate this valuable data, to aid the development of the project and improve nitrogen use efficiency.

How to take part

Click here to complete the NFU’s Nitrogen Use Efficiency survey online.
The survey will run from 23 November to 31 January 2021.

For any queries, please contact YWxhc3RhaXIuaGVpbnJpY2hAbmZ1Lm9yZy51aw==

  • The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
  • You will be asked questions covering your 2019 wheat harvest yield, soil type, method and rates of artificial nitrogen fertiliser application and its various types, alongside the use of organic materials.
  • Please feel free to submit a new survey to report on each different parcel of land.
  • Depending on the information you provide, your nitrogen use efficiency outputs for the parcel of land you are reporting on will be available at the end of each survey.
  • A summary report will also be available at the end of the project, if requested during the survey.

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