New landspreading rules unveiled

Main Changes proposed within Consultation Response:

  • The maximum storage of waste will change from 3000T per permit to 3000T per deployment. Because an operator can have multiple deployments under one permit, the NFU believes this will benefit permit holders who have deployments separated across the country
  • The Environment Agency will have to be pre-notified at least 48 hours and no greater than 7 days before the landspreading of waste under a standard rules permit;
  • The quantity of non-stackable waste stored under a deployment is to reduce from 3000-1250 tonnes. The maximum volume of stackable waste stored under a deployment will remain at 3000T;
  • Wastes with a high readily available nitrogen content will have to be covered if stored adjacent to sensitive locations such as SSSIs;

Further information about the changes proposed can be found in the NFU's briefing (members only).

If you have any comments on how the proposed changes could impact on your landspreading activity, contact Martin Rogers at bWFydGluLnJvZ2Vyc0BuZnUub3JnLnVr.