EA consultation on the future of river maintenance

Fields and river_7666

The proposals included transferring ‘flood risk management activities’ on a number of stretches of watercourses to internal drainage boards (IDBs), lead local flood authorities (LLFAs) and district councils. This will only happen where there is local community support for the change.

Flood risk management activities refers to a range of actions, including dredging/desilting, repairs or improvements to river banks, and maintenance to river assets including pumping stations and sluice gates.

The NFU has been working closely with the Environment Agency through this process. We are in support of the transfer of powers, in these situations where there is a suitable authority who can take on these flood risk management works, and when there is local support for this to occur. The NFU is also keen to explore transferring powers in other locations, but again only when there is local support to do so.

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