Increases in charges for flood risk management permits announced

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The changes come in response to the Environment Agency’s consultation in January 2018 on the proposed changes. The NFU strongly objected to the proposed changes, outlining how the increases could lead to a significant reduction in essential flood risk management works being carried out, and could act to break down strong catchment partnerships.  We are also very concerned that the Environment Agency has not had sufficient time to fully review the range of responses it received during the consultation and believe that changes should not have been introduced until April 2019 at the earliest.

The NFU’s member only briefing provides more information on the changes which are planned to come into force in April 2018. If you have any questions please contact CallFirst on 0370 845 8458 or contact Martin Rogers: bWFydGluLnJvZ2Vyc0BuZnUub3JnLnVr