AWB abolition: Do you know the rules?

farmers shaking hands

Farmers and growers must ensure they are up-to-date on employment rules for agricultural and horticultural workers following yesterday's formal abolition of the Agricultural Wages Board, the NFU has said.

“Critically, employers also need to acknowledge that the terms and conditions for farm workers employed before October 1 are likely to remain unchanged after Sept 30, given the AWO constitutes a pre-existing contract for current employees,” he added.

“Before any changes are made to terms and conditions of employment, the employer will need to negotiate with the employee and gain their formal agreement, following the correct procedures.”

Mr Raymond also underlined the progressive steps that industry is finally able to take.

“Without the restrictions of the AWB, we now have the opportunity for workers and employers to look more widely at the total employment package. From October, we can go beyond the basic hourly rate and consider skills, training, and salaries as negotiations between individual workers and individual businesses are set to become the norm.

“We are committed to providing key indicators and business guidance to help support the agricultural and horticultural industry as it makes the transition to practices that are standard in every other sector of the economy, such as wage negotiations and appraisals.

“The NFU is also committed to providing more information through our website and our advisers in the coming weeks. Employment issues are a key area of work for the NFU, and we will support members as the transition from the agricultural wages regime occurs.”

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