NFU response to Modern Slavery consultation

The statement should contain details of any steps the business has taken to ensure that its supply chains are free of slavery and human trafficking or simply a confirmation that the business has taken no such steps. As the draft Bill was making its way through Parliament the Home Office issued a consultation seeking input on the level of the turnover threshold and the contents of the guidelines which will accompany the Act.

The NFU has responded to the Home Office consultation setting out that we are supportive of the introduction of measures to reduce slavery and human trafficking in the UK but outlining concerns that large businesses caught by the turnover threshold may seek to push the costs associated with auditing their supply chain downwards and on to smaller businesses including suppliers.

The NFU response also suggested a number of principles that should be applied by the Home Office when determining the appropriate level of the turnover threshold to ensure that it is a targeted and proportionate means of addressing modern slavery in the UK, and that it is transparent to show how those caught by the turnover threshold have met the costs associated with auditing their supply chains. We also outlined that the effectiveness of the clause and the level of the turnover threshold should be subject to ongoing monitoring and review.

The NFU response can be read here