ESOS second round completes - now on to SECR

Power station

The aim of ESOS is to compel company directors to consider their energy footprint – something which for many organisations is not seen as a priority issue, other than as an unavoidable cost that may be managed by seeking a lower tariff. Compliance with ESOS is mandatory for qualifying larger organisations, and requires the collation of energy consumption data and the auditing of end uses by a qualified Lead Assessor.

Although the deadline has now passed, many organisations are yet to comply, and may therefore expect one of a range of fines to be levied against them. Everyone else can relax until ESOS Phase 3 but must keep their Phase 2 Evidence Pack carefully in case they are chosen for audit – NFU Energy is aware that audits from 2015’s Phase 1 were still being conducted in 2019.

And by “relax”, we mean, prepare for the next big thing: Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR), an annual framework with requirements similar to the first half of ESOS – the data compilation, without the audit; so it really is time to begin recording ancillary energy uses, such as bottled gas or fuel for business travel, in a formal way. The effort will not be wasted.

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