Your view: Quick consultation on Feed-In Tariffs

250 kW AD plant on farm in Herefordshire_275_206

UPDATE: Read our response to this consultation here (you'll need to log-in).

The government is consulting on proposals to amend the present Feed-In Tariff support mechanism for small-scale renewable electricity production.

It is looking at removing 'preliminary accreditation' - presently available to solar and wind projects over 50 kW as well as to all hydro and AD projects. The Department for Energy and Climate Change claims its plans will "limit the risk to bill payers" of a deployment surge under the FIT scheme.

Preliminary accreditation is available for proposed installations and allows those planning a project to obtain a tariff guarantee for a limited time ahead.

The DECC is also planning a full review of the Feed-in Tariff scheme later in 2015, and will consult on a full package of 'cost control measures' in due course.

The NFU considers that removing pre-accreditation and slowing deployment under the FITs will have only a modest impact on spending under the Levy Control Framework. We do not consider these amendments appropriate for all technologies and scales of installation.

A more reasonable alternative option would be to restrict pre-accreditation to projects between 50 kW and 500 kW, which are more likely to be proposed by SMEs and smaller-scale generators. Small-scale AD also deserves special consideration, given its relatively long lead times and the multiple environmental benefits it can deliver for the farming sector.

This 4-week consultation closes soon, on 19th August. Read the DECC consultation document here (opens in a new window).

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Please do download and read our draft response below (for NFU members - you'll need to log-in), and send your comments or suggestions to am9uYXRoYW4uc2N1cmxvY2tAbmZ1Lm9yZy51aw==, copied to Y2VyaXMuam9uZXNAbmZ1Lm9yZy51aw==, before 14th August.