Member insight into staying safe on farm

Hannah Binns_67414

I’m incredibly proud to be a part of the British farming industry. It is a profession that is diverse and rewarding, with no two days being the same.

But I am less proud of our safety record which sees our industry taking the spotlight as the most hazardous, with a total of 32 farm related deaths occurring last year alone.

This needs tackling and is why am I supporting Farm Safety Week each and every week of the year - not just last week. 

It is a simple concept that can saves limbs, lives and livelihoods if implemented across UK farms.

Granted farmers can be set in their ways, grumbling about ‘health and safety’ procedures claiming they a) take too long b) cost too much – but as the saying goes, if you play with fire you will get burned.

It is incredibly disheartening to see farmers, young and old, lose their lives doing what they love, all because of quick decisions/carelessness/lack of awareness.

I have put together some safety tips for all farm workers to bear in mind this week and the remaining 51! 

Transport and Machinery

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Perhaps unsurprisingly, transport and machinery was the biggest cause of death for farm workers last year.

  • Cover PTO shifts and make sure they are in good condition. As the saying goes, don’t be daft, cover your shaft!
  • Wear appropriate clothing when working with machinery – no loose threads.
  • Wear a helmet when operating ATVs.
  • Use the Safe Stop procedure and switch off the machine before getting out – even if it is only to open a gate.
  • Consider all round viability.
  • Maintain your vehicles at any costs necessary.
  • Know your limits and stick to them!
Working at a height 

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Everyone falls over. I always fall up and down stairs. But falling from a height can have serious medical complications…

  • Do a quick mental risk assessment before carrying out the task and consider if you should hire a contractor to do the job. 
  • Inform work colleagues/family so they know where to find you/what you are doing.
  • Make sure the equipment is in good condition – only use ladders that are in good condition,  long enough and for short duration jobs.
  • Avoid overhead power cables.
  • Consider if the task can be carried out safely from below.

Cattle at Streetfields Farm_65481

Everyone has been chased by a cow at some point in their life. But incidents involving animals can become severe quickly so it is vital that you work with animals safely.

  • Be competent and agile – if you feel unsafe at any point tell someone. Also consider if you are the right person to carry out the task involving livestock.
  • Have an escape route. Animals, like humans, can become aggressive, especially if offspring is involved, so you need to be able to get to safety as quickly as possible.
  • Keep cattle calm when handling them & never turn your back on a bull. Use well maintained handling facilities. 
  • Make sure work surfaces are clean to avoid slipping
  • Always treat animals with respect – they remember bad experiences.
Children on farm 

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Growing up on the farm can be the best thing ever. It certainly was for me! But the farmyard is an incredibly busy place and presents many dangers for children.

  • Keep track of family members and their whereabouts.
  • Make sure all family members know what to do in an emergency and have a prepared list of emergency numbers.
  • Implement good hygiene practises in the home to stop diseases spreading.
  • Have a safe and secure play area for the children to prevent them from playing near livestock/machinery. The garden is always a good starting point!
  • Children should always be supervised in the farm work place.
  • Keep children away from moving farming machinery and vehicles.
  • Keep children away from animals unless accompanied – I was bitten by a working dog when I was one!

It is time our industry commits to making changes on farms to save limbs, lives and livelihoods and I hope you have found these tips on staying safe on farm helpful.

But more importantly, I hope everyone stays safe farming!