Barn conversions - read our updated NFU Business Guide

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The new document - Permitted Development Change of Use of Redundant Agricultural Buildings to Class C3 Residential Purposes (number 903) - reflects the latest legislation changes and government advice and accommodates our members’ experiences and feedback.

It explains why decision-making should be fairer following recent guidance, and addresses some common issues that members have faced when choosing to put a building forward for conversion.

Read it here (remember to log-in first by clicking on the button to the top-right of this page)

Please continue to let us know what you think about the barn conversion rules. We would welcome feedback both from members seeking to convert agricultural buildings they no longer need, and from those who have actually undertaken conversions and now have new homes on farm. Email U3V6YW5uZS5jbGVhckBuZnUub3JnLnVr