Commission releases long-awaited verdict on crucial PPP regulations

European Commission, Brussels_13083

It has long been anticipated that the Commission would not propose opening up the regulations for changes, as the proposals in the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity 2030 strategies are focused on changes to the regulation on Sustainable Use of Pesticides as well as an increase in integrated pest management (IPM). However, this communication on pesticides regulation calls on member states to fully implement all procedures related to the Commission’s ambitions. A lack of resources and capacity in member states is given as the reason for delays in implementing procedures stipulated in the regulations, and therefore their effectiveness. The immediate focus for the evaluation is therefore on improving the implementation of the existing legislative framework.

The Commission will also “reflect on ways to consider environmental aspects when assessing requests for import tolerances for substances no longer approved in the EU while respecting WTO standards and obligations” and will revise the MRL regulation if necessary

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