Pesticide Forum release 2018 report

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The report released by the Pesticide Forum:

  • combines the Pesticides Forum’s annual and indicators reports
  • outlines progress made with activities promoting the sustainable use of pesticides, and identifies issues needing further monitoring or work
  • presents data and charts showing progress and trends in the indicators
  • gives an overview of the Forum’s work in 2018

The Indicators in the report suggest that pesticides are being used in a sustainable fashion as a result of government, industry and other bodies working together.

The report covers data and progress in several areas including:

  • training and qualifications undertaken in the safe use of chemicals
  • engagement with continuing professional development (CPD) schemes
  • support provided by professional distribution and advisory industries
  • the activities of organisations such as the Voluntary Initiative and Amenity Forum to encourage best practice in pesticides usage and disposal
  • pesticides application equipment testing requirements and impacts
  • information on the short and long-term effects of pesticides on human health
  • the impact of pesticides on water quality, its effect and implications
  • the extent to which integrated pest management (IPM) is employed by pesticide users and establishing whether use of integrated approaches is being optimised

Interpretation of the trends in these indicators is not necessarily straightforward, but can help to identify areas and subjects for further attention or action for the Pesticide Forum and associated organisations to pursue.

Read the annual reports from previous years here
Find out more about the Pesticide Forum