Turkey facts and quiz!

Talking turkey listing image_68928

Turkey breeds

White turkeyWhite turkeys generally have larger wide breasts and short stubby legs and are considered more flighty than their Bronze cousin. Some people prefer White turkeys due to the appearance of their clean-looking skin and subtle flavour.


Black turkeyThe Norfolk Black became the favoured eating bird in Britain and in the 1700s large flocks of birds were driven to London with their feet tarred and clothed to prevent damage on the long walk. Black turkey characteristics include a fuller, gamier flavour, a smaller breast than the White varieties and a fine texture.


Bronze turkeyNamed for its unusual colour, the feathers of this breed are a shimmering green-bronze, often appearing metallic in sunlight. Bronze turkeys tend to be more traditionally reared and are usually free range. Like their Black cousins, they are famed for a distinctive gamey flavour and moist meat, but also have a firm texture.

Did you know?

A wild turkey can run up to speeds of 25 miles per hour and fly short distances up to 55 miles per hour!

The NFU has produced the 'Talking Turkey' quiz sheet, why don't you have a go at the questions below? 

How long does it take to incubate a turkey before it hatches? 

  • 14 days 
  • 21 days
  • 28 days 

Where did turkey's originate from?

  • Turkey 
  • Mexico 
  • USA 

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