NFU Uplands Forum - a statement following the EU Referendum

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A statement from the group:

With the significant possible impacts the Referendum holds, the group wants to ensure our members remain fully informed over the next few months. We will continue to address all issues with BPS, both present and within the future, including common land and mapping issues. The NFU is also clarifying the situation with current and future environmental agreements, and the security of current agreements.

Regardless of the political situation, our main concern is ensuring that next year will become a far better process and will leave our members far less exposed then this current climate, with payments still outstanding.

At this time it is imperative to recognise the importance of the uplands, not only for food production, but for environmental services and public goods. In the future more than ever, we need our industry to appreciate upland agriculture, fully integrated with the provision of bio-diversity, water, carbon storage, flood management and for creating and managing some of our best and most iconic landscapes.

Following the Referendum this is a very uncertain time for uplands producers. The NFU Uplands Forum has and will continue to work closely with industry as we look to promote and develop the integrated approach to farming that uplands environment demands and requires. It is important to remember that with this step becomes a massive wealth of opportunity to improve and develop our uplands policy for a stronger, more sustainable future.