Call for views: Inquiry into sustainable urban drainage and reserviors

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The short inquiry questions whether the government has implemented measures in a timely, proportionate and effective way, and specifically focusses on:

  • Whether there has been an increased uptake of SuDS in developments and redevelopments by introducing standards for their design, construction, maintenance and operation. These developments may be for housing or other infrastructure.
  • Whether a high level of protection is provided to the public from the continued operation of reservoirs with a capacity of 25,000 or more cubic metres. Related objectives are to ensure that reservoirs are managed in a way that reflects the risk, to build on the reservoir owners’ own incentive to manage this risk and to minimise the subsequent cost to the government, local authorities and the tax-payer in the event of a breach.

Details of the full inquiry can be found on the EFRA webpage.

The NFU would welcome views on these two issues, especially if supported with real examples in your catchment. If you have any comments, contact Martin Rogers on bWFydGluLnJvZ2Vyc0BuZnUub3JnLnVr or contact CallFirst on 0370 845 8458 by Friday 10th February 2017.