Police need to use full powers to deal with illegal encampments, NFU says

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The NFU warned that a consistent and co-ordinated approach across private and public land when dealing with illegal encampments is essential to prevent private landowners taking the full force of the problem.

Responding to a call for evidence by Housing Minister Dominic Raab on the impacts of illegal encampments, the NFU raised concerns about the impact of such encampments on farmers, after consulting with its members.

As well as issues they pose while they are present on the land, they can also leave substantial and costly clear-ups for landowners afterwards.

The NFU’s key asks in its consultation response include:

  • Police to use their existing powers effectively. They are currently unable or unwilling to put them into action
  • A multi-agency approach between police, local authorities, bailiffs and landowners is needed
  • The need for sufficient authorised sites so that police have places to move encampments onto
  • That any increased powers and improved guidelines for local authorities are consistent with powers available to private landowners.

NFU chief land management adviser Sam Durham said: “The impact that unauthorised encampments have on farm businesses cannot be understated. It is vital that farmers are able to go about their daily lives and business without feeling under threat.

“It is essential that any changes to legislation or guidelines do not leave farmland as a ‘soft target’. Otherwise the issue will be simply shifted to other areas rather than dealt with effectively.

“A consistent and co-ordinated approach between local authorities, police and land occupiers is essential tackle this issue. There must be sufficient authorised sites available across the country to ensure the issue of illegal encampments are manageable nationwide.”

The NFU's Illegal Encampment Consultation Response is available for members to view.