Ash dieback: Biosecurity and advice signs

Chalara fraxinea pathogen

Two recent additions to provide biosecurity advice and woodland signs to advise visitors.

Biosecurity guidance
Biosecurity is important when working in any forest or woodland, or when entering any land or premises where there is a risk of spreading tree pests and diseases (for example, where timber is stored or processed).

This guidance applies equally to employees or contractors who are required to enter land on business - regardless of the land ownership or tenure. More than that, it is recommended as good working practice for use by all those working in forestry.

Advice signs for woodland visitors
New Chalara advisory signs for woodland visitors are available to download from the Forestry Commission website. There are two types of sign, one for non-infected woodlands, and one for woodlands with infected trees. There are editable fields within the PDF document for you to write in local contact details.