TB consultations: Cattle measures and non-bovines

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In August, Defra launched two consultations and a call for views in relation to Bovine TB and called for responses to these by 8 November.

NFU Responses:

The NFU response to Defra’s consultation on ‘Enhanced bovine TB surveillance and controls in the High Risk and Edge Areas of England’ (login to view)

NFU response to Defra’s call for views on potential improvement and simplification of the TB testing regime in the High Risk Area of England (login to view)

NFU response to Defra’s consultation on Bovine TB in non-bovine farmed animals (login to view)


A consultation is used to gather opinion on a proposal for new policy. It will often follow on from a call for views.

The consultation on control of TB in non-bovines follows on from a call for views launched last autumn. Read the NFU response here (login to access).

Call for views:

A call for views is often the initial way in which government will gather opinion on a particular area of policy, this can be fairly broad. A formal consultation may follow, but this will be dependent on the comments submitted.