TB cattle controls - NFU consultation response

Read the consultation document from Defra

This new policy would not apply to cattle slaughtered within 120 days of arrival at the destination herd in the LRA. Defra is also planning a small number of other post-movement testing exemptions.

Also included within the consultation:

  • A proposal for a more robust approach for dealing with TB breakdowns in the High Risk Area (HRA).

  • A proposal to allow cattle to move to/from rented grazing within a 10 mile radius of the herd owner’s home premises without pre-movement testing.

  • A proposal to phase out Exempt Finishing Units in the LRA.

  • A proposal to reduce TB risks from Approved Finishing Units.

  • A call for views on options for reducing TB risks from sales of cattle from four-yearly tested herds.

  • A call for views on the case for enhanced TB surveillance in additional counties in the Edge Area.

  • A call for views on the situations in which private interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) blood testing could be permitted.

  • Updates on some other policy developments.

Read the NFU consultation response now (login to access)