Picking a poinsettia? Buy British!

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Here are some tips for selecting and caring for these festive, botanical decorations.

December is the time to put up Christmas decorations and of course to pick out the perfect Christmas tree!

Poinsettias are also an annual favourite, their showy red and green foliage earning them a valued place among festive decor.

These colourful plants are the perfect compliment to Christmas decorations and will add a dash of colour to any home.

Most retailers have poinsettias stocked and ready for November, with some including Sainsbury's and The Co-operative Food, committed to backing British farmers by selling 100% British-grown poinsettias.

One advantage of buying British is that these plants tend to be healthier because they havHome Grown logo colour_120_127e travelled a shorter distance before reaching the shop and consequently, their place in your home.

Remember to honour Britain's renowned tradition of horticulture this Christmas by choosing locally-grown poinsettias to support British farmers and your local economy.

Look for the 'Home Grown' logo in order to select excellent quality, British-grown poinsettias.

If you're wondering how to select the best poinsettias and how to keep them healthy throughout the Christmas season, here are a few tips.

  • Poinsettias tend to be brittle and can break easily while being transported.

Make sure to check for broken or damaged branches inside the plant sleeve and look for a compact plant with lots of bright bracts (the red leaves).

  • Select a poinsettia with unopened flowers as these plants are likely to last longer.

The flowers are little yellow or green bead-like clusters in the centre of the bright red leaves.

  • Remove the entire plastic sleeve when you get home.

These plants need air circulation and good drainage to thrive.

  • Water thoroughly but not too frequently.

Make sure the top layer of soil has had time to dry out before watering again.

  • Place poinsettias in a well-lit location, away from cold drafts near doors or windows.

These plants enjoy warmth but do not place them directly in front of heating units or vents.

Make sure your poinsettia is well placed for visibility to spread Christmas cheer.
