UK Expert Committee on Pesticides recruiting new members

chafer sprayer, pesticides, glyphosate, pest, arable, machinery_35599

It is recruiting for three new members, to start in November 2017, and is expressly looking for candidates with expertise in horticulture and agronomy, and the use of plant protection products.

Applicants will need to be able to demonstrate their ability to contribute to detailed technical discussions and should have considerable experience and recognition within the scientific community.

Applications must be received by midday on Friday 1 September 2017.

The recruitment drive is looking for expertise in the following areas:

  • Agronomy/horticulture - with a general agronomic background, with expertise in the use of plant protection products within integrated agricultural and horticultural production including grower advisory services, and with relevant knowledge of risk assessment and management in commercial horticultural systems, including use of integrated pest management
  • Dietary exposure - with expertise in the metabolism of pesticides in plants and livestock, pesticide residues, and the assessment of dietary exposure in humans, with experience of relevant studies and their interpretation, and with knowledge of risk assessment and risk management procedures relevant to human exposures to chemicals
  • Epidemiology/statistics - with expertise in analytical epidemiology with experience of a range of epidemiological study types and their interpretation in the context of human exposure to chemicals.