Defra bTB policy update: inconclusive reactors

Beef cows_45734

From November 2017 enhanced TB control measures will be introduced to reduce the risk posed by inconclusive skin test reactors. This follows on from a consultation held in 2016.

All inconclusive reactors (IRs) in the High Risk Area (HRA) and Edge Area (and in TB breakdown herds in the Low Risk Area) that have a negative result on re-testing will remain restricted for the rest of their life to the holding in which they were found. The only permitted off movements for such animals will be to slaughter (either directly or via an Approved Finishing Unit).

To release resolved IRs from life-long restrictions, farmers will have the option of interferon gamma blood testing (paid for by the animal owner), subject to securing prior approval from APHA.

If a resolved IR tests negative to the gamma test, the movement restrictions on the animal will be lifted and it could move freely (unless whole herd movement restrictions apply).

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