Free minor variation to your sheep dip or pesticide landspreading permit before 28 September 2018

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The Environment Agency introduced a new charging scheme for groundwater authorisations for the land-spreading of sheep dip and pesticides that came into place 1 April 2018.

The annual subsistence charge is based according to the volumes of used working strength permitted for disposal per annum. The volume should be set out in your current groundwater authorisation document.

Under the new scheme the annual subsistence charges are:

  • up to and including 5m3 per annum              £273
  • greater than 5m3 per annum                         £917

If you are currently paying for a permit that allows greater than 5m3 per annum and you believe that you are spreading less than this, you can apply for a variation to reduce your allowance for free until 28 September. (This variation would adjust the other relevant conditions pro rata which include the volume of dilution or slurry required and the spreading rates.)

A variation may not be free if it looks like the change would be higher risk or the dilutions don’t make sense and move away from pro rata adjustments. EA would expect these situations to be exceptional and in most cases would probably discuss the details with applicants.

After the 28 September you can expect this minor variation to cost £810.

  • If you want to pursue the option of a variation, contact your local Environment Agency office as soon as possible or their National Customer Contact Centre on 03708 506506 or via ZW5xdWlyaWVzQGVudmlyb25tZW50LWFnZW5jeS5nb3YudWs=
  • If you are thinking about ending your groundwater permit for the land spreading of sheep dip and pesticide, we advise that you consider your alternative options very carefully. There is no surrender charge for the permit however if you decide at a later date to reinstate the permit the Environment Agency will charge the cost of a new application which is currently £2,708.