Make your voice heard on the National Living Wage

fruit and veg graphic from catalyst for change, ba

To help make the case, we’ve drafted an example letter, which you can customise with your own experiences and concerns. Simply highlight the text, right click and press ‘copy’, before making your additions in a word processing package.

Download our National Living Wage letter here.

If you are unsure about your MP’s address, you can find it here.

When you send a letter to your MP, please could you also send a copy to the NFU at Y2hyaXMuaGFydGZpZWxkQG5mdS5vcmcudWs= or aG9ydGljdWx0dXJlQG5mdS5vcmcudWs= , to give us an idea of which MPs have been contacted on this issue.

Earlier this week, an independent report from farm business consultants Andersons for the NFU exposed the danger of crop production moving abroad as unplanned and unprecedented wage rises are imposed on UK grower business over the next four years.