'Still work to do' on number of farm accidents

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The Farm Safety Partnership, which is chaired by the NFU, is an industry-led initiative committed to improving agriculture’s safety record and to help reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries.

NFU vice president Guy Smith said: “We welcome the confirmation that numbers have dropped, but even one death is too many. The NFU is working with other partners to help raise health and safety standards across the industry. The causes of accidents will come as no surprise to those in the field; with transport, machinery, handling cattle and falls all major hazards.

"I would urge everyone on farm to just take a moment to stop and think before rushing into a job. Make sure your equipment is well maintained, including handbrakes on tractors- always follow safe stop when leaving the cab – handbrake on, controls in neutral engine off and keys out. Don’t take risks with cattle- and be aware of your own limitations. And, just in case things do go wrong; always take a charged phone with you in your top pocket- your mobile will roam onto any available network when 999 or 112 is dialled- and some first aid knowledge may save your life.

"Farm safety should start at the farm house table- plan your work safely and let people know what you are doing. Challenge anyone who undertakes risky behaviour; an accident can have a devastating impact on friends, family, colleagues and not to mention the business.

"We are committed to helping to reduce these accident statistics and believe that a good safety record is proof of a professional, modern industry.”

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