Tim Papworth

Tim Papworth

NFU Livestock board National Appointee and NFU Potato Policy Group member

Tim comes from a farming family in North East Norfolk and was educated at King Edward Vll School in Norwich, after which during a year out he qualified as a Butcher at Norwich City College.

Currently, Tim is a potato, pea and dwarf beans grower and lives in north-east Norfolk.

Tim studied Agriculture at the North of Scotland College of Agriculture for 3 years before moving on to do a post graduate in Farm Business Management at Seale-Hayne in Devon.

The Papworth family run four high street butchers in market towns of Norfolk. The contract farming business involves owned, rented, and tenanted land growing cereals, oilseeds, sugar beet, potatoes, and maize for AD.

The cattle are finished inside on a cereal ration and sheep graze the water meadows and catch crops grown.

Tim is also very involved in local community work, including Life Vice President of North Walsham Young Farmers Club, President of Norfolk YFC 2021-23, current Chair of the Parish Council for the Felmingham ward, and Trustee of The Clan Trust.

Tim is a Director of L F Papworth Ltd and Papworth Farms and Chairman of Norfolk NFU. He is a member of the RNAA, UKIA, NIABCUF, BAWAG, Stalham Famers and Mardlers.

The farm hosts school visits and Tim is a Farmers for Schools ambassador and does Farmer Time with an inner city school in Edinburgh.

During any spare time, he enjoys all aspects of horsemanship with his wife Emma and 3 children.

Tim has worked in his family business for all his life, a joint farming tenancy which includes managing a peatland area of 200 hectares.

Tim's policy interests include water, farm assurance, environmental sustainability and farm safety.