Can agri schemes thrive with greening?

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Mike Rowe

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Geoff Sansome

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Fraser Hugill

At this year’s NFU Conference an impressive panel of speakers will outline the latest on the new Countryside Stewardship scheme and explain how this will interact with greening requirements under CAP.

Defra's Deputy Director for Sustainable Land and Soils Mike Rowe, Geoff Sansome, Natural England’s Deputy Director for Biodiversity Delivery, and Fraser Hugill, the CFE regional coordinator for Yorkshire and the North East, will speak at a workshop session on day two of the NFU’s 2015 Conference.

‘Backing British Farming in a Volatile World’ will be held on 24 and 25 February at the ICC in Birmingham.

Other speakers include Defra Secretary of State Liz Truss, George Eustice, the Defra Agriculture Minister, Shadow Agriculture Minister Huw Irranca-Davies and Phil Hogan, the European Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development.



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