New HGCA Recommended Lists varieties

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Varieties which provide food-grade quality oil from oilseed rape, grain quality for bread, biscuit and distilling in wheat and potential new brewing, malt distilling and grain distilling barleys are all recommended, alongside new feed varieties.

In total 28 cereals and oilseed varieties have been added to the Recommended Lists for 2015/16, while 27 varieties have been removed.

HGCA’s Dr Simon Oxley, who manages the Recommended Lists said: “The new varieties added to the list include an oilseed variety with both excellent yield and food-grade oil quality. There are also a number of new options for end-users looking for varieties for bread, biscuits, beer, whisky or grain alcohol.”

“New quality cereal varieties will now undergo more commercial testing but along with these potentially marketable qualities, they promise to provide the grower with an excellent package of high yields and agronomic features.

“Growers looking for feed wheat or moving to spring barley for feed as part of a strategy to manage black-grass will also not be disappointed.”

The full HGCA Recommended Lists booklet will be distributed in early 2015.