Morrisons trading results - what's the relevance for members and what's the NFU doing?

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At our most recent meeting, the NFU pressed Morrisons to confirm whether their winter milk payment will continue, as well as to clarify the sourcing of their UHT milk. It was also announced that Morrisons are changing the packaging of their ‘Milk for Farmers’ brand and extending the range to include skimmed milk and smaller bottle sizes. This initiative has successfully delivered over £3million back to Arla members.

In addition the NFU asked for clear information on Morrison’s plan to source New Zealand lamb for their tertiary brand ‘Market Deals’. The NFU have communicated that it is misleading to customers to deviate from their 100% British lamb policy, through the introduction of this brand which is only stocked in Morrison’s stores.

Read our analysis of what Morrisons results might mean for UK producers, here.