AHDB Activity Review: Listening to levy payers

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The meetings in England and Wales are part of a wide-ranging activity review by AHDB, covering its beef and lamb, pork, dairy, potatoes, cereals and oilseeds, and horticulture sectors to encourage debate on future activity.

The meetings complement a series of similar sessions in Scotland for the four AHDB sectors that also collect levy and operate in Scotland.

AHDB staff are also out and about over the next few weeks meeting supply chain levy payers and their trade associations as part of the review.

Jane King, AHDB Chief Executive, said: “Our aim is to provide levy payers with the tools and information to build businesses which are competitive and sustainable.

jane king ahdb ceo and former farmers weekly edito

“We want to listen to what farmers, growers and our supply chain believe will help their businesses to make the most of future opportunities and meet the longer term challenges.

“Whether this is extending our monitor farm work, funding applied research, looking at increased market development, or pooling resources to attract additional funding from external sources, we need the input from our levy payers to support our sector boards in their strategy decisions.

“We want to listen to views on what AHDB should be doing to help levy payers build a better business.”

The dates and times of the sessions in England and Wales are:

  • November 26, Carmarthen, Wales
  • November 30, Kendal, Cumbria
  • December 7, Cambridgeshire
  • December 8, York
  • December 9, Exeter
  • December 15, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
  • January 12, 2016, Hampshire

Full details of all the open meetings and a levy payer questionnaire are available on the AHDB website with times, venues and how to register to attend.

Feedback will be collated and shared with AHDB’s sector boards to help inform their discussions, as part of the business planning process, on here resource should be focused and what will deliver most impact for levy payers.