Brits are called to 'Love Your Greens'

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The results show that the nation is divided over brassicas. Half of Brits haven’t tried kale, a third haven’t eaten turnip and around one in ten haven’t tasted broccoli or cauliflower. And of all the vegetables mentioned, children were least likely to like the taste of sprouts (30%), were least likely to have tried kale (37%).

The survey also found that overall; men were more likely to select a Brassica vegetable because they perceive it to be healthy whilst women love the taste.

There were also big differences regionally; Wales eats the most brassicas closely followed by the South West. People in the East and West Midlands really don’t like their greens with the lowest consumption.

Despite a split opinion over Brassicas, Greens are big business in the UK, with their sector of fresh produce worth more than £550 million.

The Brassica Growers Association want to highlight the benefit of eating greens – targeting parents and children with their new campaign, Love Your Greens.

The website has loads of great recipes, health facts and a virtual fete for people to get involved with.