NFU discusses poultry litter win with minister

Poultry litter combustion meeting july 2014_275_18

The meeting coincides with the date (15th July) in which all poultry farmers across the EU will be allowed to combust poultry litter on-farm to create energy. The issue has been the subject of sustained NFU lobbying over several years.

The UK poultry industry has a chance to become more sustainable – both economically and environmentally - thanks to new European regulations which will allow them to make use of chicken litter for on-farm energy, the NFU said today.

Any farmer wishing to combust poultry litter on-farm must contact their local AHVLA office as all boilers must be approved by AHVLA. A copy of the application form can be found by clicking here.

If the farm is permitted under Environmental Permitting Regulations then a permit variation will also need to be applied for via the Environment Agency.