NFU responds to inquiry into SuDS and reservoirs

Munnoch Reservoir_7565

On the topic of SuDS, the NFU noted that in 2013-14 alone, 9100 new homes were built in flood zones 31. We believe that developments in the floodplain should be avoided wherever possible; however we recognise that a complete ban would inhibit developments in many of our major towns and cities.

Therefore we believe it is important that the correct policies and best practice are in place so that any new development does not have a negligible impact on flood risk to other businesses and properties in the catchment. In summary the NFU calls for:

  • SuDS to be considered for all developments, irrespective of the number of homes they serve or their position within the catchment;
  • Greater clarity to be provided on who is responsible for the maintenance of SuDS, particularly for older drainage systems;
  • A greater ability to require those responsible for the maintenance of SuDS to make retrospective changes when there is a demonstrable detrimental impact to other businesses and property within the catchment.

With regards to reservoirs, we are broadly content with the decision to make all reservoirs above the 25,000m3 threshold subject to ‘risk based’ safety rules. However we would welcome reassurances that this threshold will not drop to 10,000m3 as had been previously suggested.