The press team identified Newsround, a programme dedicated to delivering news to a young audience, as a perfect vehicle to getting this story out in both an educational and fun way.
The work followed on from the NFU's social media team's Facebook post about what one Londoner found out when she picked up a cow pat (you will need a Facebook account to view).
The story was pitched to the Newsround team – they were very keen on the idea of dissecting cow poo, obviously – and a date was arranged to go and film with one of the NFU’s 2021 Student and Young Farmer Ambassadors, Joe Bramall, who’s a dairy farmer based in Cheshire.
Focussing on climate and the environment
Media adviser Jo Rector went to the farm during filming to support Joe. She also helped influence the direction of the piece to ensure it covered the environmental and climate angles intended.
Needless to say it rained the whole day, but the end result was worth the hours standing in the drizzle.
And what’s more, the Newsround team really enjoyed their time on the farm and are keen to do more filming with Farmer Joe.