Regional director receives OBE at Buckingham Palace

08 November 2023

Regional director Zoe Leach with her OBE

NFU Regional Director Zoe Leach has received her OBE at Buckingham Palace.

Zoe received her OBE from Princess Anne at an investiture ceremony at the palace, with her mum, husband Adam, and son Alex in attendance.

She was awarded the honour in the first King's Honours list in recognition of her services to the pig industry.

Zoe joined the National Pig Association as regions manager in 2008 and became its first chief executive in 2014, a role she held until she joined the NFU last year.

Zoe said she was ‘blown away’ to have been nominated. “I was just doing a job I loved for people I cared about, so I didn’t really understand why I deserved it," she said.

"As someone I respect very much said to me, I guess it reflects the hours spent supporting members through one crisis or another and the time and effort lobbying Government on things that really benefit the industry. 

“Obviously, I am very honoured, and it was a fantastic day.”

NFU President Minette Batters, Deputy President Tom Bradshaw and Vice President David Exwood were among the many who offered their congratulations when the OBE was announced. Minette said it was ‘wonderful news and couldn’t be more deserved’.

Zoe Leach with her OBE

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