NFU Governance Handbook

Welcome to the NFU Governance Handbook.

This part of the website is for NFU officeholders only. Here you will find the relevant compliance documentation to support you in your role.

As an elected officeholder, you will play a crucial role representing your fellow farmers and growers.

In order for the NFU to maintain its position as a professional, modern and credible organisation which represents our members’ interests at the highest level, it is important that all our representatives and staff conduct themselves in a manner which preserves and enhances the NFU’s reputation.

The policies below set out what is expected of NFU Officeholders when conducting their role as a representative of the NFU. It is vital to the NFU’s continued success that you act in line with these policies. Thank you for taking the time to read these policies.



Please begin by reading the introductory letter from NFU Director General, Terry Jones.

Welcome Letter


Important Documents

Below are documents that you must read, acknowledge and ensure you understand.

The Acceptance Form and Confidentiality Agreement must be signed and returned to your Regional Director or Board Secretary.

Officeholder Acceptance Form

Confidentiality Agreement

NFU Officeholder Code of Conduct

Data Protection Policy and Guidance

Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy

NFU Conflicts Policy

IT Security Policy and Secure File Transfer Guide


Additional Guidance

Personal Data Breach Incident Response Plan

Control of Documents Procedure


Useful Documents

Below are documents that you should read.

The NFU’s Constitution

The NFU’s Rules

The NFU’s Standing Orders

NFU WhatsApp Usage Policy


If you experience any difficulty in accessing or completing the above documents, please contact [email protected] for assistance.