NFU in Westminster: March 2018

Rishi Sunak MP and NFU Deputy President Guy Smith_52989

Giving Select Committee evidence – Guy Smith gave evidence to the EFRA Select Committee on the agriculture bill Command Paper, setting out our high-level views whilst we gather evidence from our members to produce our full response to the government soon. The Committee plans to hold three evidence sessions on the Command Paper to inform their own submissions to Government.

George Eustice_53028

Positive mentions in parliament – At the Department for Exiting the European Union in the Commons, Craig Tracey MP (North Warwickshire) and Chris Davies MP (Brecon and Radnorshire) both asked questions about support for farmers after the UK leaves the EU. Craig Tracey referenced that he’s recently met local NFU farmers who are ‘frustrated by the complexity of and frequent delays in the EU’s basic payment scheme’.

Separately, during Defra Questions, Farming Minister George Eustice (standing in for Michael Gove, who was abroad), mentioned the Secretary of State’s speech at the NFU Conference where he’d said Defra is looking closely at the idea of a seasonal agricultural workers scheme. He also later stated that ‘As it is International Women’s Day, may I pay tribute to Minette Batters in becoming the first female president of the NFU.’

Speaking at Prosperity UK’s London Conference – Minette Batters delivered a keynote speech and took part in an audience Q&A at a conference organised by Prosperity UK in Westminster. Entitled ‘Green Brexit: A new era for farming, fishing and the environment’, the conference also included a keynote speech by Defra Secretary of State Michael Gove in the morning.

Getting involved with New APPG for Farming – The newly-formed APPG for Farming, chaired by Julian Sturdy MP and administered by former MP Neil Carmichael, held its first meeting in the House of Commons in March. Defra Minister George Eustice spoke at the event and answered questions. The NFU will be using the APPG to further influence the Government agenda and promote members’ interests with new audiences.